January 6, 2009

thinking outside the box...

i’ve honestly tried to post several times since the last one…but alas, my posts always get swallowed by the computer as i click submit.

don’t know if that made you feel any better about my blogging consistency. i suppose it's actually an attempt to make myself feel better. oh well.


super fast recap:
sept/oct = Jessica + “anemia”
nov = medicated & rather delirious Jessica + 5 drs and a lot of testing + thanksgiving :)
dec = very sleepy Jessica + 13 huge blood tests + withdrawing from school + Christmas
conclusion of 2009 = i’ve had mono. HA! MONO. negative mono test results 3 months ago were wrong. Ooooh well.

so………while being in my mono-ed condition, i’ve had a copious supply of thoughts. about…like…everything.

i don’t know if you can see it from the outside, but i FEEL like a completely COMPLETELY different person than i was 3 months ago. God be blessed for allowing me to have mono. but maybe that’s a trail to follow in another post.

tonight, my thoughts search out what next semester might hold. all of Christmas break, i’ve been trying every tactic i can think of to get myself in a place where i can go back to school…knowing the potential of:
[x] my beloved apartment--right by the pond
[x] 4 precious roomies
[x] time outside on an exquisite campus
[x] courses i’ve been looking forward to (SONGWRITING? I mean, really?!)
[x] cooking again.
[x] college life in general. i love college life in general.

but then as i was laying in bed tonight (i should know better than to explore these thoughts on my way to bed), wondering what it might look like to do what i’ve fought for so long… TAKING THE SEMESTER OFF. I hardly believe myself for thinking it. But really? what if i took this opportunity to:
[x] spend time with my brother his last semester before college?
[x] teach myself guitar? “master” the djembe?
[x] what about coming out with the CD i’ve been trying to put together for 3 years?
[x] get to know my neighbors and share jesus with them?
[x] take a flight to connecticut to spend time one-on-one with my grandma?


what a blessing opportunity is.

on a slightly different note…have i mentioned how excited i am about going to africa?


  1. wow.

    Jessica! I had no idea about you having to stop school for a bit.


    Yeah- i find that bedtime is really not the best time for me to start 'thinking' about things too. :-)

    Love you.

  2. jess i had no idea you had a blog! and it made me smile to have a comment from you!! i love you and i miss you dearly! its so fun to read your latest discovery of what God has been doing! Im prayin for ya! hope you had a wonderful xmas and hope to see you soon!!!
    ♥ em
