August 15, 2009

More thoughts...

I’m tired of apathy. But more frustrated with a lack of ACTION. We sit and talk about the issues of our world, comment on “how sad” the situations are across our globe…”feel bad” about the poverty and starvation that many are faced with.

But we are not moved.

I want to be moved.

And I want my life to be a tool. A tool that MOVES people to REALLY love. to REALLY feel compassion. To REALLY DO something.

I’m tired of living a life that always looks from the outside and doesn’t break out of my comfort to DO something.

If we REALLY cared, more than we care about ourselves, we would DO something.

Move me Jesus.


  1. I haven't been here in awhile... and I have missed out!

    You are such a precious girl, Jess. I am so blessed by your heart and how you love Jesus. I am blessed by your thoughts as you share them here. (Love the "muffins" post!)

    It amazes me, how even in this post, my heart is right there with yours. I want to be a voice, a "tool". I want to be moved.

    Bless you sweet girl!

  2. i love this. i dont know how it's taken me this long to read it, but i'm so glad i did.

    you have such a sincere, genuine, beautiful heart friend!!

    and it is such an encouragement to see someone who will actually verbalize the TRUTH of the situation.

    i have no doubt God will be using you and your passion in wondrous ways.
